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Kuala Lumpur
April 18, 2024

GIIS KL Celebrates Earth Day Through Artistic Expression

Our talented GIIS KL artists from Standard 1 to 12 showcased their creativity and environmental awareness at the recent Inter-House Earth Day Art Competition on April 15th! It was a day filled with vibrant colors, thoughtful messages, and a celebration of our amazing planet.

The competition featured different themes for each grade level, encouraging students to explore various art forms while learning about environmental responsibility.

The youngest Picassos in Standards 1 and 2 went head-to-head with their colorful posters, urging everyone to "Save the Planet" or depicting a world free from plastic pollution with "Planet vs Plastics". Their bright colors and imaginative ideas were truly inspiring.

Standard 3 students showcased their love for birds with the theme "Save Birds - Helping Birds in Summer". They used a unique technique, creating beautiful birds using their palms and fingerprints on posters!

For Standards 4 and 5, the competition became a platform to spread awareness about reducing plastic waste. Standard 4 students donned their creative hats to design posters with powerful messages on how to stop plastic pollution.  Standard 5 artists took discarded plastic bottles and transformed them into the shapes of animals, reminding everyone about the importance of "Saving Animals—Conserving Wild Animals".

Throughout the day, classrooms buzzed with energy! Students from different houses collaborated, shared ideas, and poured their hearts into their artwork. Witnessing this dedication to both creativity and environmental consciousness was a truly heartwarming experience.

This Inter-House Earth Day Art Competition beautifully aligned with several aspects of the GIIS KL 9GEMS Holistic education framework. Students explored their artistic sides (Gem 3: Visual and Performing Arts), while developing innovative and creative solutions (Gem 5: Innovation and Creativity) to environmental challenges.  The competition also fostered a sense of Gem 7: Universal Values and Ethics, encouraging responsibility towards our planet.

The competition also addressed various Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by the United Nations such as SDG 3: Good health and well-being, SDG 4: Quality Education, SDG 11: Sustainable cities and communities, SDG 13: Climate Action and SDG 15: Life on Land.

Such initiative not only showcased artistic talent but also sparked important conversations about environmental responsibility among our students. This event are sure to leave a lasting impression, inspiring students to become lifelong environmental stewards.

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